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Dr. Hajra Mujtaba

Dr. Hajra Mujtaba is a passionate and dedicated dentist who discovered her love for dentistry in high school. She was motivated to become a dentist to pursue a profession that no one in her family had previously pursued. Dr. Mujtaba completed her dental school education in Pakistan before attending Boston University to obtain her DMD.

As a member of the OKU and the AACA, Dr. Mujtaba is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest techniques and advancements in the field of dentistry. However, what she loves most about being a dentist is her interaction with her patients. Dr. Mujtaba takes great pride in being able to help her patients restore their smiles and see the relief and gratitude on their faces.

Dr. Mujtaba has made her home in Corpus Christi and finds it an ideal place to live. She loves the city's small-town feel and the ocean's natural beauty and views. Above all, she appreciates the kindness and generosity of the people in the community.

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What do you love most about living in your city/community?

corpus is a delightful place to live, its acity with a small town feel. the ocean,  the views, the constant breezeand the generosity of the people is something i havent found elsewhere. 

What do you feel is the most rewarding thing about being a dentist?

when a patientcomes to me and tells me their teeth are terribleand hopeless and i get to tell them we can help them and save their smile, thatrevelation for them and the look of relief across their face, thats what i lookforward to each day when i goto work. i love people, i love talking to them, ilove hearing their stories and my patient interaction is my most rewardingexperience of being a dentist.

Please list any additional credentials, awards, memberships, etc.

im a member of the OKU (Omicron Kappa Upsilon) which is a national honorary society serving the fieldof dentistry. im a member if the AACA (AmericanAcademy of Clear Aligners) 

Where did you go to school?

i grew up all over the middle east andpakistan. i however did my dental school from pakistan and then furthered myeducation in Boston University where i got my DMD in 2018

At what age did you decide to become a dentist, and why?

i was in high school when i decided to becomea dentist. my family had doctors, engineers, accountants, scientists but nodentist. that really was the catalyst , me trying to do something noone in myfamily had done before. 

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